Car Donation
to Ministry

With the help and Grace of God we have been able to donate vehicles to two ministers, Jose Rodas, Pastor, and Fito Villatoro Missionary and Minister of Praise.


Fito Villatoro travels to many churches and places to bring praise, worship and teaching of the word of God, he needs to take his family and sometimes also musicians and pastors, with this car he travels more than 20 times to Mexico and all of Guatemala , in three years he has traveled 55,000 miles,

He also uses it to bring food and humanitarian aid to many villages, for this same reason the maintenance of the car is high because it is used a lot!


October 2019

our  firsts

we have been able to donate two cars

This car was donated to Pastor Jose Rodas, who has a family of 5 children with his wife!

And this other car was donated to Fito Villatoro, a missionary who practically spends more time in the car traveling to minister than at home.